lucy pringle crop circle photography

crop circles 1990 - 2014

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Badbury Rings, nr Wimborne Minster, Dorset, United Kingdom.
Reported 17th June, 2014.

This formation is in barley and measures c 240 feet diameter. It is a large and complex formation consisting of a Mayan type pattern semi circle below which are interlocking triangles with several small circles dotted at the edges and ending in a large crescent. .
This formation is in barley and measures c 240 feet diameter. It is a large and complex formation consisting of a Mayan type pattern semi circle below which are interlocking triangles with several small circles dotted at the edges and ending in a large crescent.
This formation is in barley and measures c 240 feet diameter. It is a large and complex formation consisting of a Mayan type pattern semi circle below which are interlocking triangles with several small circles dotted at the edges and ending in a large crescent.